Price simulators

Home and car insurance

These were the first price simulators the Non-Life department of AG Insurance made available online. Below you can find detail on the different stages of project I was involved.

User interviews and co-creation

  • How do people search for home/car insurance? (online/offline)
  • What knowledge do they have? (coverages, services,...)
  • How do they decide which insurance to buy?
  • How do they buy? (online/offline)

This resulted in personas, conceptual wireframes and lots and lots of customer insights.


AG's calculation tool was made to be used by professionals, not the average Belgian person.

We therefore challenged every question and were able to scrap questions and simplify them. Originally there was a question "Is uw woning aanpalend?", discover below what we made of it. On the right a hint.

Iterative usability testing

Using Axure I made a clickable prototype that was usability tested 3 times. After every test the question of asked in the simulator were changed, removed and above all rephrased.

Graphical design

Together with the graphical designers I worked out a mobile first design that:

  • Also works looks nice on desktop
  • Respects AG's style as described in the style guide
  • Stays close to the wireframes so that what worked well on wireframe wasn't broken in the design

Multi-device and browser testing

During and after development we tested whether the simulator worked on desktop and smartphone. 

Using our list of most popular devices/browsers we tested using Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari. On Windows, Android and iPhone. And then it was time to let the bird fly

A word from my colleague

Thomas Standart

Project leader

Zeer tevreden over samenwerking met Kris. Heeft een duidelijke visie over usability: op de hoogte van laatste trends, kennis van verschillende aanpakken om customer insights te verzamelen, flexibel (op het vlak van timing, aanpak, ...), pro-actief, heldere en transparante communicatie

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